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Salamanders Young Burn Survivors > Explosion! > Quinn's Photos page 2

Photos of Quinn taken three months after he was burned

These photos show all of Quinn's burns and skin grafts, except for a patch on his right shin which you can see on page 1.

The little raw patches on Quinn's chest are where raised parts of newly-healed grafts rubbed against his clothes.

If you compare the two photos taken from the side, you can see where the surgeons had to trim off the edge of Quinn's right ear. (He was very lucky, because this was the only bit of him 'lost'.)

Quinn was also luckier than many burn survivors because most of his scars were hidden when he was wearing ordinary clothes, but he never really worried about showing his scars. He even made his scars part of a Halloween trick-or-treat costume, which you can see on page 3.