Burn Survivors tell their own stories and feelings about what happened to them.

If you are a burn survivor, then you know how it
as if you're the only one it ever happened to ..... as if no-one else can
understand what you're going through.
It can help a lot to learn about other burn survivors; about what happened to them, and how they feel about it.
burn survivors help other burn survivors by sharing their stories and
their feelings.
Click on a name to read that burn survivor's story.
(WARNING: These pages may be unsuitable for young
(April was burned in an accident with hot bath water in 1975, when she was 2 years old.)
Soulsby's Story
(Bill was burned 85% in a trucking accident in 1988, when he was 39 years old.)
von Janowski's Story
(David was burned 65% in a petrol explosion in 1977, when he was 20 years old.)
Opoku Gyamfi's Story
(Dennis suffered extensive burns when he was one and a half years old.)
Jr.'s Story
(Glenn was burned 65% in an accident with kerosene and a campfire in 2006.)
Hunt's Story
(Jack was burned lighting a bonfire with petrol in 2012, when he was 21 years old.)
Marie Duck's Story
(Joni was burned 26% in an accident with petrol and a woodstove in 2003, when she was 17 years old.)
(When she was 22 years old, Kelly set herself on fire and was badly burned.)
(Kylie was burned over 27% in an accident with hot water from a kettle in 1990, when she was 15 months old.)
(Steve was burned 23% in a petrol explosion in 2006, when he was 15 years old.)
Stalford's Story
(Yasmin was burned 39% in an accident with hot cooking oil in the late 1970s, when she was 3 years old.)
Please help me to fill this page!
I have had lots of emails from people (usually mothers of new burn survivors) who want to know why there aren't more stories of young burn survivors on this site, but very few people are willing to tell their own story.
Are you one of the few who are brave enough to help others by sharing your story with them?
To get your own page here, all you have to do is contact me (Sylvia) and tell me what you want to share. You can send me pictures, drawings, poems, ..... anything you want. I will make the web-page for you.