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Salamanders Young Burn Survivors > Explosion! > Quinn's Photos page 1

Photos of Quinn aged 12

March 1998


... TO THIS >>

at just one flick of
a cigarette lighter!

Three months later

When this photograph was taken, Quinn was trying his best to look 'front and centre' at the camera, but you can see how the scars on the front and on the left side of his neck are contracting and pulling his head down and to the left. He had been wearing a special collar to try and stop this happening, but it didn't work very well. He had to have several more operations on his neck over the next six years.

The big red area on the front of his left thigh is where donor skin was taken from ten weeks before this photograph was taken. Donor skin was also taken from his right thigh and his left lower leg thirteen weeks before this photograph was taken.

(You can find out about donor skin and skin grafts here.)

The dark red areas on his arms and right shoulder are where he had skin grafts ten weeks before this photograph was taken.

The dark red areas on his left shoulder and right lower leg are where he had skin grafts twelve weeks before this photograph was taken.

The dark red areas on his neck and chest are where he had skin grafts twelve to thirteen weeks before this photograph was taken. (Some parts were grafted twice.)

The other red areas you can see are where Quinn had burns which healed without needing grafts.

You can't see it in this photograph, but he also had grafts to his left eyelid, both ears, behind both ears, behind both shoulders, and the backs of both legs.

All Quinn's grafts were split-thickness, except for his eyelid which was a full-thickness graft.

(You may notice that Quinn looks almost as though he's wearing socks in this photograph. This is because he was wearing heavy leather boots when he was burned, and the boots protected his feet from the flames.)