Books etc for and about Burn Survivors, and about Fire Safety

Books and Comics for Children
Fireman's Safety Hints
(by Giovanni Caviezel) is a delightfully
illustrated board book which teaches household safety to children in ways
they can easily understand, and also has first-aid advice and special tips
for dealing with emergencies.
Age Range: 2 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Firemans-Safety-Hints-Giovanni-Caviezel/dp/0764157574/
Fire Safety (Adventures in the Roo World - Young Roo Series No. 2)
(by Pati Myers Gross) features Runabout
the kangaroo and his family, who face the dangers of fire while teaching
children life-saving techniques.
Age Range: 2 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Safety-Adventures-Roo-World/dp/0965257924/
Fire Safety Education
produces quality public safety education materials that make a
difference in people's lives, including dozens of colouring and activity
books, videos, printed materials and promotional items for fire educators.
Age Range: 3 and up -- Order online: http://www.firesafetyforlife.com/coloring-activity-books.html
No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids (and Dragons)
(by Jean E Pendziwol) covers important
topics but folds them into a story which ends with "The Dragon's Fire
Safety Rhyme" - a fun and easy way to remember fire safety rules.
Age Range: 3 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/No-Dragons-Tea-Fire-Safety/dp/1550745719/
Do You Smell Smoke?: A Story about Safety with Fire (The Hero Club)
(by Cindy Leaney) explains what to do
when there is a fire. Emily and Makayla help prevent disaster when they
notice smoke coming from a neighbor's yard.
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Do-You-Smell-Smoke-Safety/dp/1589527410/
Fire Night!
(by Monica Driscoll Beatty) is a
beautifully written and illustrated story of what happens to a family home
when it catches fire, working in basic safety tips to reassure children
and teach them how to respond to such an emergency.
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Night-Monica-Driscoll-Beatty/dp/0929173317/
Fire Safety (Stay Safe!)
(by Sue Barraclough) uses colourful
artwork and simple text to introduce children to important fire safety
rules and how to react in the event of a fire.
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Safety-Stay-Safe-Barraclough/dp/140349861X/
Home Fire Drills
(by Lucia Raatma) Explains the importance
of planning what to do in case a fire in your house and tells how
practicing fire drills can help you to be safe.
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Home-Fire-Drills-Safety/dp/0736801952/
Little Tree: A Story for Children with Serious Medical Problems
(by Joyce C. Mills) is the story of a
tree who loses some of her branches, but learns that she still has
strengths, abilities and resources for living a fruitful and happy life.
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Little-Tree-Children-Serious-Problems/dp/1591470420/
Safety Around Fire
(by Lucia Raatma) describes different
sources of fire and how to stay safe around fires both indoors and
Age Range: 4 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Safety-Around-Fire-First/dp/0736801901/
DangerSpot Books
entertain your children while promoting a safety message. The antics of
Harey, the hare-brained rabbit, illustrate a whole range of potential
dangers which might hurt your child, including fire safety and electricity
Age Range: 5 to 7 -- Order online: http://www.dangerspot.co.uk/
Stop Drop and Roll
(by Margery Cuyler) features a teacher
discussing fire safety rules, and student Jessica, who gets nervous.
Jessica's worries spark action at home, until her brother's birthday
candles set off a false alarm.
Age Range: 5 to 8 -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Stop-Drop-Roll-about-Safety/dp/0689843550/
Fire Safety (Be Safe!)
(by Peggy Pancella) talks about fire
preparedness and safety, using examples and items that all children are
familiar with. The photographic illustrations are realistic and
demonstrate the real dangers of fire.
Age Range: 6 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Safety-Safe-Peggy-Pancella/dp/1403449406/
Staying Safe around Fire
(by Lucia Raatma) teaches how to prevent
fires at home, what you should do if you find matches or lighters, why
escape plans are important, and more.
Age Range: 7 to 8 -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Staying-Safe-around-Lucia-Raatma/dp/1429671939/
(by Tony Abbot) is a brief but
beautifully written and deeply moving novel narrated by Tom, a
seventh-grader. Jessica, who has been badly burned, joins his class when
she moves to town to undergo skin grafts at a nearby hospital.
Age Range: 8 to 12 -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0316011703/
Burns and Blisters (My Health)
(by Alvin Silverstein) discusses the
function of skin, what happens when burns or blisters damage it, types of
injuries, their treatment, and why protection from the sun is important.
The emphasis is on prevention.
Age Range: 9 and up -- Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Burns-Blisters-Health-Alvin-Silverstein/dp/0531155617/