Salamanders Young Burn Survivors > Certifications and Awards > Our 'In' Tray

Salamanders Young Burn Survivors is proud to have received these compliments

You have a very impressive site. I now know the difference between a burn victim and a burn survivor, a valuable lesson. ~ Remco de Korte

I applaud you on your site for young burn victims. (I happen to be a paramedic.) ~ truli

Just took a look at your site, good job! ~ Kathy, Regions Hospital

This is a great cause. ~ Ed Burke, Boston EMS EMT 738

This is an excellent site to teach children and adults about the horrors of playing with fire. The site is informative and helpful for parents and young people. Some parents may object to the subject matter of this site, but we believe that it handles the topics in a responsible and educational manner. ~ WiredSafety's Site Team and Research division

Just had a look at your web page. I think it's really good and I like the idea of all the info and I really got a lot of info off the story of Quinn's accident. I almost could feel the pain. I think he is really brave to be able to walk round and handle all the names he has been called. I don't think I could do that. I would of just have stayed in for the rest of my life and never shown my face out in the streets again. I also think Paul is very brave. I can understand now why friendship is so important sometimes... Sometimes more than you think, because you never know what could happen. ~ Lisa (15) [Lisa knows both Quinn and Paul personally.]

Although I was surfing the net looking for information and resources for the burns course that I am currently studying I was really pleased to come across a site dedicated to young burns survivors. I really wish there had been such resources when I was growing up. I am now in my late twenties and was burnt 25 years ago when I was 3. I trained as a nurse to specifically work in burns as a way of putting back a little of the care that I received as a patient. The site has been both informative from a professional point of view but it has also helped me on a personal level. I have a child of my own and a fantastic partner who has never made an issue of my scarring! I no longer think why me? Because it doesn't matter the important thing is I survived and have gone on to lead a fulfilling and successful life. It took me a long time to learn how to just be me and that I did not need to be perfect in every way as a way of making up for not being physically perfect. It is a marvellous site. Keep up the good work. ~ Yasmin. [Read Yasmin's Burn Survivor story.]

I'm a student nurse and have had experience nursing people with traumatic burns. This website may help people to understand about burns and speak to real people who are going through or have been through similar experiences. ~ Jamie

Thanks for putting such a informative and supportive site together... I wish I had been able to find it last year when we were new to this. ~ Vicki Knopf [Vicki Knopf is the mother of a young burn survivor.]

Amanda told me about your website, I didn't think it was going to be as good and informative as it is, I think it's fab, has really made me think about fire and how dangerous it is, and how it's not worth to play with it. Very good website, I'm so glad I read it, I've learnt alot from it. Kids could learn so much if they just read it. WELL DONE. ~ Vicky [Vicky was a teenaged friend of Quinn's sister Amanda.]

Your website is a public service that fills an important gap, and it's very professional-looking too. ~ Ian

I am a serving Fire Fighter at Slough Fire station in Berkshire (Blue watch). I have just found your web site whilst browsing the internet and I thought that I would just drop you a line to say that I think it is fantastic that web sites like this are around to help young people. Keep up the good work. ~ Julian May

Great web site. ~ Boyd Johnson, Deputy Fire Marshal

I admire what you've created on the internet - a real community - and I salute your efforts to help burn survivors. ~ Ben Sherwood, Survivor Strengths Survey

You have a done a great job. What a great place for people to get information about burn injury. ~ Debbie Jamieson, Great Lakes Burn Camp

I am a water ski counselor at the Great Lakes Burn Camp near Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. ..... Your site is fantastic! ~ Don Passenger

Thank you for making this website. Thank you for sharing your story. Quinn: Despite your injuries, you have grown into a very handsome young man.I hope you do not mind me sharing your story with my three young boys. I want them to know that there are consequences for playing with fire. Not everyone is as lucky as you are. ~ Kara

I'm a mom of a burn suvivor and I think this site is good for her. She is a wonderful well minded 12 yr old that was burned when she was 5 yrs of age. ~ Dusty

Relieved to have found you. A very helpful website ~ Marika

Great site for victims of burns ... awesome job you do here, and a great service you provide for victims .. thank you ~ Charmaine