Salamanders Young Burn Survivors is honoured to have won these Awards
"Dear Sylvia, ten years before you experienced large sorrow with your
son Quinn, who was badly burned in a petrol explosion. Now you will help
other people and children with your site "Salamanders Young Burn
Survivors" and you warn young people about how easy it is to go
burned. Now your son grew up and so did your web site.You did great work
and perhaps you have rescued a life from someone. With large respect we
thank you for this with your heart and head generated website. It is an
enrichment for the web and an education for children. We are proud to
award your site with our Diskus Award in Silver ID.219. Congratulations
and keep up your great work."
AWARD 5 - FRI 5 - IWARA Elite 4 - PAI 5 - UWSAG 4 -
WA 3 - WAI 5
am delighted to present to you, my Silver Best of The Web Award! You have
a useful and well informed site. It is also well laid out and easy to
navigate. Many congratulations to you."
carefully reviewing your site, we would like to honor you with River
Pirate Guide Service's Elite Website Award for surpassing our criteria of
excellence in concept, design, layout, rich content and easy navigation.
We acknowledge the effort you have put into your website; the time, hours
and countless obstacles. Display your award with pride! Congratulations on
producing a site of excellence."
"Thank you for your interest in the "Chameleon's Eye Award".
I have reviewed your site and I am pleased to announce your score has
earned your site the Gold Chameleon's Eye Award. I especially enjoyed the
"Fun Stuff" and "Facts and Figures" sections. You have
found a creative and productive way to turn tragedy into triumph. This
award is well deserved. ChamownersWeb salutes your remarkable work and
encourages you to continue. I love the fact that much of the information
is directed at or for children. I really enjoyed the jigsaw puzzles and
seeing the free stuff you have to offer. It was a wonderful experience to
visit your site and a pleasure to be able to award your creation the Gold
Chameleon's Eye."
AS! 3.5 - UWSAG 2+
AS! 3.0 - UWSAG 2+ - WA 1.0
- OAI 3.0 - EUTODA 2.0
"Thankyou so much for giving me the opportunity to revisit your excellent site. Once again I am amazed at your site, and the work you obviously put into it. I am thrilled to send along our top awards.
your site has won the Advanced Web Design Award! We have found that your
site is well thought out, very pleasant to look at, and serves a definite
purpose. It is compelling to its viewers, has informative content,
originality, excellent design, and leaves in its visitor's mind the image
of a quality site."
little dog JOSCHI and I have just visited your site, and we really like
it. That means you have won Joschi's *Award of Excellence*.
"Your site met our high standard for providing free and rich content
that serves the general public. It is also well designed and easy to
navigate. Please accept this award for a job well done!"
"Thank you very much for your kind application for my humble award.
In the meantime I checked out your site some times. Now the rating is
done. Congratulations: score 104 at the first shot - this means GOLD!!! I
like your site very much, I could feel a lot of head and heart. All the
information about and for young burn survivors are a great help for people
involved in such fatal incidents. Facts, figures, stories, help and links
are provided, completed by fun, special links for kids and a lot of
encouragement. And btw. the author of the site - Sylvia - knows what she's
talking about due to a personal experience in the family. Keep on with
your good work and enjoy the award!"