"I didn't think." -- "I didn't know." -- "I forgot." -- Every day, in hospitals all over the world, people are saying things like these. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU!
Learn these guidelines and follow them, but remember to use your common sense as well; there are always other ways to get burned, and we could never list them all.
Preventing Burns
your water heater set no higher than 50°C (125°F). Always run
cold water into the bath-tub first, then add the hot water, especially if
you have a metal bath-tub.
careful using microwave ovens. Steam escaping from the container can cause
scalds. Foods can be just warm in one spot and scalding in another.
hot liquids especially, anything else that's hot, and electrical appliance
flexes, away from the edge of tables and kitchen work-tops.
you are cooking, always make sure there are no pan handles overhanging the
edge of your cooker, and be careful if you have to lean over a pan to
reach another behind it.
switch off ovens and hotplates after use, and remember that they will stay
hot enough to burn for some time, even if they 'look' cooled down.
forget that portable heaters, laundry irons, electric hair straighteners
and curlers, and even table lamps, take time to cool down after use.
wear loose clothing near cookers, open fires, and heaters. Always wear
short sleeves or roll up your sleeves when you are tending a fire or
use petrol (gasoline) for anything other than
to fuel an engine. Never top up a fuel tank in an enclosed space (such as
a garage or shed).
throw aerosol cans or electric batteries on a fire. Never use petrol (gasoline),
lighter fuel, or paraffin (kerosene) to make a
fire burn better.
attention to "flammable" and "corrosive" warnings on
chemical products. Always read and follow the safety instructions on the
well away from outdoor power lines, and never fly a kite anywhere near
safe in the sunshine. Don't stay in the sun too long unless you are
covered up or using sun-screen cream. Remember that you may not feel the
sun burning you if there is a breeze cooling you or if you have been in
water. If you are a burn survivor, it is especially important to keep the
sun off the places that have been burned, because those places will not
have the same natural protection as normal skin.
leave a young child alone in a bathroom or kitchen, or in a room with a
convector heater or an open fire. Keep young children away from hot taps (faucets)
and water pipes. Never drink hot tea or coffee while you are holding a
child. Keep matches, lighters, and chemicals such as bleach out of reach
of children. Always remember that a young child's skin is more
delicate, and something you can safely handle may be hot enough to burn a
young child!
Fire Safety In Your Home
room doors closed at night; even a normal door may keep fire back for more
than 15 minutes, and a fire-resistant door can hold back fire for 45
minutes or more.
smoke detectors in each bedroom corridor, at the top of each stairway and
along your normal exit route. Check the batteries once a month, and
replace them at the same time each year.
you have an open fire, use a fire guard, especially when the room is
empty. Keep curtains, drying laundry, and anything else that's flammable
at least one meter away from fires, cookers, and candle flames.
leave a frying pan or a chip pan (deep fryer)
unattended. Never fill a chip pan more than one-third full with fat or
oil, and lower the food you're cooking into it (don't just drop it in).
smoke in bed, or leave a burning cigarette in an ashtray. Always make sure
cigarette ends are properly extinguished. Before emptying ashtrays, make
sure the contents are completely cold.
off and unplug anything that is not being used. Have appliances serviced
annually. Replace damaged flexes. Danger signs: blown fuses; flickering
lights; scorch marks on plugs or sockets; hot plugs or sockets.
an escape route planned from every room in your house, bearing in mind
that your normal exit route may be blocked by fire, and make sure everyone
in the house knows the escape plans.
a fire does start: don't stop to pick anything up;
don't delay to put more clothes on (It is better to be naked and
safe than to be fully-dressed and dead!); GET OUT AT ONCE! and