Books etc for and about Burn Survivors, and about Fire Safety

Burn Survivors Biographical Books 2
Overwhelming Odds
(by Susan & Denny O'Leary) is a diary
of the miraculous and triumphant fight of their then 9-year-old son John
to survive and recover from a devastating 98% burn, with an epilogue
written 17 years later by John himself.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Overwhelming-Odds-Susan-OLeary/dp/5182700199/
Race For Life: The Joel Sonnenberg Story
(by Janet Sonnenberg) describes the
tragic accident which almost cremated Janet's son Joel and their ordeal of
struggle, first for life itself, and then for rehabilitation and
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Race-For-Life-Sonnenberg-Story/dp/0310259304/
Reason for Living: A Burn Survivor's Story of Hope and Rebirth
(by George E Pessotti) is an
inspirational personal account of the accident that nearly claimed his
life and his long, painful journey back to exuberant life.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Reason-Living-Survivors-Story-Rebirth/dp/1557090521/
Refined by Fire: A Family's Triumph of Love and Faith
(by Brian & Mel Birdwell) describes
how Brian suffered 60% burns at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and
how the family's Christian faith brought it through Brian's recovery.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Refined-Fire-Familys-Triumph-Faith/dp/0842386033/
Refined by Fire: A Year in the Life of a Burn Survivor
(by Paul Mueller) is a story of survival
and determination, a story about a camping trip that turned into a day
Paul will never forget...
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Refined-Fire-Year-Life-Survivor/dp/097263780X/
Sage Was The Perfect Shadow: A Survivor's Story
(by Mona Krueger) is a truly moving and
inspiring three-decade tale of recovery and identity reconstruction for an
18-year-old college girl severely burned in a car accident.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Sage-Was-Perfect-Shadow-Survivors/dp/1466393610/
Singed Miracles: Memoirs of an Electrocution
(by Laura Brixey ) will make you laugh,
cry, and think. Richard and Laura Brixey were in their own back yard when
they came into contact with 115,000 volts of electricity, and the miracles
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Singed-Miracles-Electrocution-Laura-Brixey/dp/1481007289/
The Bridge Never Crossed: A Survivor's Search for Meaning
(by Captain George A Burk) is the
incredible story of his survival of a tragic plane crash, the unlikely
series of events that saved his life, and his inspirational refusal to
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Bridge-Never-Crossed-Capt-George/dp/1888725168/
The Burn Journals
(by Brent Runyon) who suffered severe
burns over 85% of his body when he came home from school, doused his
bathrobe in gasoline, put it on, and lit a match. A fascinating account of
the mending of a body and mind.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/The-Burn-Journals-Brent-Runyon/dp/1400096421/
The Fire That Will Not Die
(by Michele McBride) describes her
ordeal, and her eventual recovery from the severe physical and
psychological problems she suffered, as a burn victim from the Our Lady of
the Angels School fire in 1958.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-That-Will-Not-Die/dp/088280152X/
The Gift of Fire: How I Made Adversity Work for Me
(by Dan Caro) is a testament to the power
of the power of the mind and the will to live. Badly maimed and disfigured
as a toddler, Dan is now a successful musician and public speaker.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Gift-Fire-Made-Adversity-Work/dp/1401926606/
The Girl in the Picture: The Story of Kim Phuc, the Photograph, and the Vietnam War
(by Denise Chong) traces the life of Kim
Phuc both before and after she was nearly killed (at age nine) by a South
Vietnamese air force napalm strike.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0140280219/
The Sun Farmer: The Story of a Shocking Accident, a Medical Miracle and a Family's Life and Death Decision
(by Michael McCarthy) details the
real-life nightmare of horrendously burned Ted Fink, and Ted's wife Rhoda.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Sun-Farmer-Shocking-Accident-Decision/dp/1566637007/
Tiny Dancer: The Incredible True Story of a Young Burn Victim's Journey from Afghanistan
(by Anthony Flacco) is a heartfelt and
inspiring story of incredible courage equally matched by incredible
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Tiny-Dancer-Incredible-Victims-Afghanistan/dp/0312343337/
Unmeasured Strength
(by Lauren Manning) is a gripping tale of
her long fight back to 'normality' after the devastating injuries she
sustained at the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Unmeasured-Strength-Lauren-Manning/dp/1250012147/
Who by Fire
(by Chaya Malka Abramson) is the amazing
true story of a young mother's faith and courage, and the compassionate
community that contributed to her miraculous recovery from a devastating
house fire.
Order online: http://www.amazon.com/Who-Fire-Chaya-Malka-Abramson/dp/0873067460/